Sunday, January 17, 2010

Finish the book: Answer these questions on the blog only

1. What happens to Walton's ship? What decision does he have to make? Cite.
2. Cite a time when the weather or nature serves as a metaphor for Walton's emotions. Explain.
3. Why do you think Shelley had Frankenstein tell Walton the story and then come back to the present with Walton as the main character? What is Walton's purpose?
4. What message does Shelley solidify in these last chapters? Cite.
5. What is the creature's final action? Is he to blame for his evil side? Cite.


  1. 1. The ice starts to crack and Walton's ship is free (Shelley 262). Walton has to decide to return back to England as a coward or return back home as a hero which he discovered the North Pole (Shelley 261).
    2. "We are still surrounded by mountains of ice, still in imminent danger of being crushed in their conflict. The cold is excessive, and many of my unfortunate comrades have already found a grave amidst this scene of desolation." (Shelley 259). Nature is being shown as cold, imminent danger, crushed, grave, and desolation. This shows Walton is worried about his comrades because of the imminent danger and cold. He knows his comrades will soon die due to the cold. Walton feels alone since the ice is trapping his ship and he cannot go anywhere.
    3. I think Shelley does this because Walton's purpose is to learn from Frankenstein's misfortunes which was caused by the pursuit of glory and go back to England rather than putting his life and his crew's life in danger.
    4. "Seek happiness in tranquility and avoid ambition, even if it be only the apparently innocent one of distinguishing yourself in science and discover." (Shelley 264). In these last chapters, Walton loses comrades and put his life in danger (Shelley 259). Shelley's message is to seek happiness rather than ambition that causes pain such as what Frankenstein and Walton goes through in their ambition for discovery.
    5. The creature's final action is to kill himself and end his agony by doing so (Shelley 269). The creature is not to be blamed for his evil side because society shaped the creature (Shelley 134). The creature was a benevolent being until society corrupted him.

  2. 1) Little by little, the ship begins to get free from the ice that was surrounding it. Now Walton has to decide whether he should be a chicken and turn back home, or if he should continue on his journey since he already got so far (Shelley 261-262).
    2) On page 259, Victor describes how they were still surrounded by the ice. The ice was "Mountanous". There was "Danger" lurking around everywhere with an "Excesive" feeling of coldness. Victor also felt scared at this time because he would be the cause of anothers' loss. He didn't want to be responsible for the death of his comrads (Shelley 259).
    3) Shelley wanted to show how Victor's life was and then to show how Walton would react toward these events that could end up affecting his own being. The whole point was to have Walton learn from what happened to Victor and to change his path in life.
    4) Shelley's message in the last few chapters was that it is better to seek happiness than to seek fame and glory. One's happiness will lead up to their own glory and well being, whereas one won't have that by chasing after glory.
    5) In the end, the creature wants to end his own life and stop this suffering that he was the cause of (Shelley 269). However, he isn't to be blamed for this side of evil that has possesed him. Society and knowledge is to be blamed. The creature was good until he read books and learned from society.

  3. 1)In the book Frankenstein, Walton's ship is freed little by little as the ice cracks that surrounded the ship, or as he put it, the ice was moving (Shelley 262). Walton needs to decide weather to go home with lost hopes and glory, or to continue on his journey to the North Pole (Shelley 161-162).
    2) a time when nature served as a metaphor is,"we are still surrounded by mountains of ice" (Shelly 259). I say this because the "mountains if ice" show that the depression was in bunches because Walton had many sailors on it. The ice is the depression of the sailors including Walton himself.
    3) Shelly made Frankenstein tell the story to Walton because he needed to learn that fame and glory was bad and that nature is good. the story comes back to Walton as the main character because she wanted to show what Walton learned from the story that Frankenstein told him.
    4) In the last chapter, i think Shelley's overall message is to not look for fame and glory because it will do bad things to you. a page to show this is when Frankenstein tells Walton, "Farewell, Walton! Seek happiness in tranquility and avoid ambition" (Shelley 264). This says that Shelley is somehow telling Walton to stop his search for glory and fame through the voice of Victor Frankenstein.
    5)In the end, the creature calls it quits and ends his life (Shelley 269). The creature decides to aboard a raft and let it burn with him on the raft. i say society and Vicptr is to blame because society mistreated him because of the way he looked, and because of the books he read. Victor is also to blame because he created the creature, yet he left him alone and desearted to deal with the real world.

  4. 1. Walton’s ship is to be set free, because the ice starts to crack little by little (Shelley 262). So Walton’s decision is to either go back to England or to be pursuit his journey and stay in the North Pole (Shelley 261).

    2. A time when Walton’s emotion was served by nature is when Shelley describes nature is, “we are still surrounded by mountains of ice, still in imminent danger of being crushed in their conflict.” “The cold is excessive..” (Shelley 259) . Nature is being described as cold, danger, and surrounded by mountains. Walton was in danged because his comrades will soon die to the cold weather. Walton also felt alone because the ice was trapping him and his ship.

    3. I think that Shelly had Frankenstein tell the story to Walton because she wanted Victor to explain how nature is good, and how frame and glory is not the right path. The purpose of Walton is so that he learnes from Victor’s mistakes.

    4.The message that Shelley solidify in the last few chapter is that she wanted to show that “frame and glory” is not the path that you should take like Victor took, the right path should be the path of happiness. A quote to support this is “Seek happiness in tranquility and avoid ambition” (Shelley 264). Frankenstein was telling Walton that happiness is the key to success.

    5.The creature’s final action is that he tells Walton about his suffering (Shelley269). The creature is not the blame of his evil side. The blame is both Victor and society. First society is blamed because right after the creature started to read those books he found he started to change(Shelley 155). These books gave him a whole different perspective of society. The other blame is Victor because the creature asked for a request to Victor and Victor turned him down. And Victor left the creature all alone and mistreated.

  5. 1) Walton was surrounded by ice but it has slowly melted so now his ship is free to go anywhere. Walton must make the decision of to continue his journey in search for glory or return home as a “coward” (Shelley 261-262)
    2)”The ice cracked behind us and was driven with force towards the north; a breeze sprang from the west and on the 11th the passage towards the south became perfectly free (Shelley 262)” In this quote nature is described as having force and being free. This shows Walton because Walton needs the force and freedom to decide whether to go back home or continue his journey towards the North Pole.
    3) Shelley goes from telling Walton story to Frankenstein’s story back to Walton’s story to show Walton all the misfortunes Frankenstein went through. She began by describing ideas that Walton and Frankenstein had in common at the beginning of there journeys. She then describes how Frankenstein’s story went wrong. She did this to show Walton not to follow his desire for glory and instead live for his happiness. Walton’s purpose is to learn from Frankenstein’s mistake and learn not to do the same errors in life.
    4) In the last chapter Shelley’s message is to, “Seek happiness in tranquility and avoid ambition, even if it be only apparently innocent one of distinguishing yourself in science and discoveries” (Shelley 264). Her message is to search for what makes you happy even if it is science but while doing so you must be able to control yourself and not become ambitious or greedy because if you do you can end up as a very unhappy person.
    5) The last action the creature does is to murder his own self (Shelley 269-270). I think the creature is not to blame for his actions because he was born in a beautiful manner with nothing evil in his mind. As he grew up he learned from humans, and when he learned he was different from everyone else he couldn’t find his place in the world (Shelley 147). He realized that humans were disgust of him and all there disgust towards him filled the creature with hatred and “revenge” (Shelley, 165). Therefore, the creature is not to blame because he has learned to be this way from humans. He was educated by the books he read (Shelley, 155-158) and actions he saw. He didn’t mean to be evil, but the way he was treated, and the things he learned made him this way. All these events led him to such dreadful actions.

  6. 1- Walton’s ship broke free from the ice and now after hearing Frankenstein story he has to make a decision on whether to back home to England either as a hero or as a coward that gave up half way (Shelley 261-262).

    2- "We are still surrounded by mountains of ice, still in imminent danger of being crushed in their conflict. The cold is excessive, and many of my unfortunate comrades have already found a grave amidst this scene of desolation” (Shelley 259). This shows that Walton is afraid of losing the rest of his sailor/comrades due to the excessive cold that they are facing. He knows the danger that they are all facing. He has to make the big decision of either getting fame and glory for discovering the north pole or saving all his comrades and being safe.

    3- Shelley tells Frankenstein's story to Walton and then brings him back to the present because she wanted him, and the reader, to see how science corrupts people and to show how nature is better than science in all aspects. Walton’s purpose in the book is to be the person that learns from Frankenstein's mistakes. By learning from Frankenstein's mistakes he can make the right decision and go back home to England, and keep himself and his crew safe.

    4- "Farewell, Walton! Seek happiness in tranquility and avoid ambition, even if it be only the apparently innocent one of distinguishing yourself in science and discover” (Shelley 264). Shelley is trying to show that in order to find true happiness you must not go towards things that bring you fame and glory because the results of that are bad.

    5- The creatures final decision is first tell Walton his sufferance and to kill himself in order to stop suffering (Shelley 269). The creature isn’t the blame for all the pain and suffering that he has gone through and that he has caused. All the pain that the creature has gone through wasn’t his fault; it was society’s fault because of all the different ideas that were put inside his head because of all the books that he read (Shelley 155). These books gave him the ideas of revenge, and that in order to fine true happiness he needs to find a companion.

  7. 1) While Victor was closing up his story he was dying and Walton thought because of what had happened to Victor in his quest for fame would happen to him so Walton thouhgt that if the ship was to be set free, then he would turn southwards back to England (Shelley 261-262).

    2) An instance of nature that is used to show Walton's emotions is "We are still surrounde by ice" (Shelley 259) and this shows that Walton is scared because of the ice could send him to his death and he is realizing that the ice is telling him to go back as did Victor's story.

    3)Shelley made it so Victor would tell the story to Walton so he would not make the same mistake and to prove that fame and glory is not worth going after which of course was Walton's original plan. Victor's stroy it made Walton feel that fame and glory is nothing because he did not want to loose everything he had which would be his sister and anything else that he has which if had continued he would have lost everything.

    4) Shelley's message through the last two chapters is that Fame and Glory are not worth going after because Victor dies in the end and that is what he was looking for in the begining. Walton realizes this when Victor dies (Shelley 264). He also realizes this when he decides to turn back because it was not worth it, to risk your life for something that might not work out (Shelley 261-262).

    5) The creature committs suicide in the end because Victor is dead (Shelley 270). I feel that the monster is not responsible for the Evil he committed because it was Victor who left him and didn't care what would happen. He only wanted a purpose in life and to br welcomed by humans and that never happened and thus he went after Victor to turn his life into his own and in the end suceeded but only gave Victor what he deserved for his actions that drove the creature from his right mind (Shelley 266-268).

  8. 1).The ice stopping Walton's ship from moving finally breaks and is free to move (Shelley 262). Now Walton is deciding whether he should return back to England, being a coward without finishing his expedition or remain in the North pole to continue his quest for glory (Shelley 261-262).

    2). While Victor is filled with misery he surrounded by nothing by rugged mountains of ice (Shelley 251). It is cold and the whole scenery is icy and rugged which describes negativity just like his emotion.

    3). Shelley had Walton come back to the story to show what he has learned from Victor's story. To make sure Walton doesn't make the same mistake Victor did, by being obssessed with science and glory. Shelley wants the readers and Walton to know the misfortunes that can occur when driven by science and when pursuing fame and glory.

    4). Shelley message in these last chapters is for Walton to learn from Victor's miseries and to not increase his own (Shelley 255). To be more specific her message is to not seek glory for it will only lead to extreme sadness and solitude just like Victor felt (Shelley 256-257).

    5). The creature's final action is to leave Walton's ship and burn himself to death (Shelley 270). The creature isn't to blame for evil side. He was always shunned and hated by man (Shelley 176) when all he wanted was a companion and for someone to love him.

  9. 1.The ice that surrounded Walton’s ship beings to crack setting the shit free (Shelley 262). Walton needs to decide weather to go back home to England, or to continue on his journey to the North Pole (Shelley 261).

    2.“We are still surrounded by mountains of ice, still in imminent danger of being crushed on their conflict,” (Shelley 259). This quote is a metaphor for Walton’s fear of dying from the ice that surrounds his ship.

    3.I think Shelley had Frankenstein tell the story to Walton and come back to the present so Walton can learn from Victor’s mistakes. So Walton’s purpose is to not follow in Frankenstein’s footsteps and feel the same pain as he does due to selfishness and the desire for glory.

    4.In the last few chapters Shelley’s message is to go after happiness and not have such an egger desire for fame and glory, "Seek happiness in tranquility and avoid ambition, even if it be only the apparently innocent one of distinguishing yourself in science and discover." (Shelley 264).

    5.The creature’s final action was telling Walton of his suffering and he kills himself (Shelley 269). The creature is not to blame for his evil side, society and Victor is. Society turned the creature away because of his appearance when all the creature wanted was to not be alone anymore. Victor is also to blame for the creature’s evil side because Victor created the creature and left it to fiend on its own. Victor also betrayed the creature and didn’t create a mate for him when he promised to do so (Shelley 202).

  10. 1) Victor wanted Walton and his men to seek the Creature but Walton’s men wanted to return home for they didn’t want to die. Walton tells them that they will be cowards if they return home, but Walton will accept that he is a coward. The ice is broken and the ship is finally free. They start the journey back home (Shelley 261).
    2) “We are still surrounded by mountains of ice, still in imminent danger of being crushed in their conflict. The cold is excessive, and many of my unfortunate comrades have already found a grave amidst this scene of health: a feverish fire still glimmers in his eyes, but he is exhausted, and when suddenly roused to many exertions, he speedily sinks again into apparent lifelessness” (Shelley 259). Well the cold is increasing and so is the danger. Victor is very near to death and it is increasing little by little. The weather is also killing him.
    3) Well it was all to learn from other people’s mistakes form life. Victor might want to prove to Walton that sometimes glory isn’t always that great. Nature is good while glory is all bad. Walton’s purpose is to learn from Victor’s past while not committing those actions.
    4) Shelley’s message was that it’s not always glory that is going to keep you happy. What matters most to someone is their family like when Victor got married to Elizabeth, “Those were the last moments of my life during which I enjoyed the feeling of happiness” (Shelley 233). Victor should have never created the Creature but instead be happy with nature. Then Victor told Walton “Seek happiness in tranquility and avoid ambition” (Shelley 264). That was to prove that be without ambition and live freely than to suffer from science.
    5) The creature’s final action is leave mankind for he will to the northern extremity (North Pole) and will get his funeral pile and he will kill himself (Shelley 269). Society and those books he read are the blame for his evil side. Also that Victor broke his promise with him. It wasn’t his entire fault but his surroundings.

  11. 1. The ice Walton's ship was captured in cracked freeing Walton's ship (Shelley 262). With two choices, Walton has to decide whether to continue his expedition to the north or head back home (Shelley 261-262).

    2. "It is midnight; the breeze blows fairly, and the watch on deck scarcely stir" (Shelley 264); it is night and dark and cold, showing Walton's sorrow. After Victor died, Walton felt sadness, "My tears flow; my mind is over-shadowed by a cloud of disappointment" (Shelley 264).

    3. Shelley had Victor tell his story to Walton to let Walton reconsider his decisions. Victor's story is to warm Walton of what is ahead of him. The misfortunes and miseries that Victor went through all began from the same goal that Walton shares. Through Victor's story, Walton is to learn that his decision for glory will forever taint his life with misery in the future.

    4. Shelley's message is to not let curiosity disrupt your life. "Learn my miseries and do not seek to increase your own" (Shelley 255); Victor tells Walton to learn from his miseries and do not choose the wrong decisions. "Seek happiness in tranquillity and avoid ambition, even if it be only the apparently innocent one of distinguishing yourself in science and discoveries" (Shelley 264). Shelley's message throughout these chapters is to warn the outcome of being curious and wandering into misery.

    5. The creature's final action is to kill himself. The creature recalled his miseries and unfortunate times, and finally deciding to give up since his creator is gone (Shelley 270). The creature is not to be blamed for his evil because he was good in the beginning. Learning from society, as well as Victor's acts rendered the creature evil. The creature had known nothing of murder or killing in the beginning. He learned evil from those books (Shelley 155-158). The creature is not to be blamed for his evil side because he wasn't the one that created his evil side.

  12. 1. "The ice cracked behind us and was driven with force towards the north" (Shelley 262) Walton's ship was set up north due to the crack of the ice. Now that Walton lost his friend and glory, he has to decide to end his journey of the north pole and go back to England, or to continue his expedition.

    2. “We are still surrounded by mountains of ice, still in imminent danger of being crushed on their conflict” (Shelley 259). The description of nature, in this quote, serves as a metaphor for Walton's frightened emotion. Before the quote, Walton described the scene has an "uncommon interest" and " I cannot forbear recording it". Walton shows how scared he is while the ice surrounds him. He can't bear to look at what is around him, which is the destruction of nature. This would lead to the conclusion that the danger of nature parallels Walton's fear of death.

    3. Shelley had Frankenstein tell Walton the story, and then come back with Walton as the main character, to show the negative side of fame and glory. Frankenstein's story was to warn Walton on what could be his future if he goes forth with his expedition. The ups and downs of Frankenstein's story are supposed to give Walton a better view on what to do. This would lead to Walton's final decision on what he should do.

    4. The message that Shelley solidifies in these last chapters is not to chase for one's desire for fame and glory. This is pointed out when Walton had to make a wise choice to either go back home or going forth with his journey (Shelley 262). Walton notices that it is not worth it risking his life. Shelley also solidifies her message with the quote, "Seek happiness in tranquility and avoid ambition, even if it be only the apparently innocent one of distinguishing yourself in science and discoveries" (Shelley 264). Frankenstein tells Walton to be happy, which is only from avoiding the ambition of glory in science. His ambition his to receive fame from his science ambitions, but it is better if he do not do such a thing. The message of departing science comes from the last line of the quote where it says "distinguishing yourself in science and discoveries."

    5.The creature's final action was to kill himself. "I shall die. I shall no longer feel the agonies which now consume me.." (Shelly 269) The creature decides to commit suicide due to the death of his creator, Victor. The creature stated that he rather be sacrificed from the revenge of Victor, but since he died, the creature has went through with this action. The creature isn't to blame for his evil side. Victor abandoned his creation, in which left the creature to be influenced by society. The creature learns a language from the cottagers, which gave helped him to read the books with a better understanding(Shelley 142-143). Also, books, such as the Sorrows of Werter, Lives, and Paradise Lost gave the creature a different view of himself. (Shelley 156-157). The creature gains knowledge from all of this and demanded a mate from Victor. Victor refuses to create such a creature again, and this would begin the lists of deaths that came with the quest revenge of the creature. This would come to the conclusion that the creature is not the blame for his evil side.

  13. 1. The ship is freed from the ice. A southern passage opens. Walton has to decide whether to return back to England or continue north (Shelley 262).
    2. “I am surrounded by mountains of ice which admit no escape and threaten every moment to crush my vessel.” (Shelley 258). The surrounding mountains represent Walton’s feelings when hearing what Frankenstein told him. Frankenstein asked him what he would do if he lost all of his loved ones. Being surrounded by mountains is similar to being surrounded by new emotions and decisions.
    3. Walton’s purpose was to reinforce the consequences of trying to accomplish goals no matter what. If Walton had never heard Frankenstein’s story, and the opportunity came to return back to England, Walton would have been too consumed by the hopes of his enterprise. He would not have wanted to return and would continue north to risk the lives of the people with him. It is a repeat of all that could have happened when a young mind has the ambition of creating an enterprise.
    4. “Seek happiness and tranquility and avoid ambition…” (Shelley 264).
    5. The creature decides to travel to the north and kill himself to calm his soul (Shelley 270). The creature insists he was not to blame for his evil side and it was bought on for not being loved by society. His envy and thirst for revenge came over him and made him commit those murders (Shelley 267-270).

  14. 1. Walton’s ship was freed from the ice (Shelley 262). He had to decide to either go back to England with his crew or continue on with his voyage (Shelley 259 – 260).
    2. “…surrounded by mountains of ice still in imminent danger of being crushed…cold is excessive…” (Shelley 259). As Walton’s ship is trapped in the ice, members of his ship have died. He feels like more danger is going to arrive if his ship will not break away from the ice. The cold weather will surely take over the ship if this situation continues.
    3. Shelley had Frankenstein to tell Walton his story so Walton will know of the consequences of trying to gain more knowledge and fame. Later on Shelley brings the reader back to Walton as the main character to show if he will continue his goal. Walton’s purpose is to discover the North Pole for fame and glory.
    4. Shelley’s message was to solidify that “Seek happiness in tranquility and avoid ambition…” (Shelley 264). For example, Victor and the creature were miserable because of ambition. If Victor did not seek knowledge, fame and glory, his life would not have turned the way it is now. The creature set an ambition for himself – to gain love. This caused him to be miserable as well.
    5. The creature’s final action was to commit suicide (Shelley 270). He is not to blame for his evil side. The hatred of others was showed to him numerous times. The result of hatred towards him caused him to be lonely and angry (Shelley 169). His emotions, because of others, influenced him to kill.

  15. 1.Walton’s ship is set free, as the ice began to move which leads to the ice cracking (Shelley 262). Before the ice cracked, Walton said that once the ice cracked, he would head back south (Shelley 260). Since the ice has cracked and the ship has been set free, Walton must head south as he promised.
    2.A time when nature serves as a metaphor for Walton’s emotions is after the ice is cracked. The ice is described to crack and bring them north, that then eventually leads to a clear passage towards south (Shelley 262). Nature is served as a metaphor for Walton’s emotions because the passage becomes “perfectly free” allowing the ship move south. This shows Walton’s emotions because this clear passage is reminding him of his promise made to go back home; it is giving him the push he needs to fulfill his word to head back. Nature shows how he feels liberated to go back.
    3.Shelley had Frankenstein tell Walton the story of his past to then come back and make him the main character to show the reader that the desire of fame can eventually lead to a state of depression and misery. Walton’s purpose is to show how a person would react and what they would do to avoid such sadness in their life. She does this to show her opinion of what the cause would be of a desire like fame.
    4.Shelley’s message in the last chapters is not to give in or be fooled by the idea of gaining fame or glory because it would lead to the destruction of happiness and would avoid happiness in one’s life (Shelley 264). Frankenstein tells Walton to avoid the desire of an achievement and just be happy because if he does otherwise he would not be happy.
    5.The creature’s final action is to leave and go as far away so that his miseries will disappear (Shelley 270). He repents what he has done so he wishes for his death to soon come because of all the pain he has caused his creator, taken the lives of those he loved most. The creator is not to be blamed for his evil side because it was provoked by man, the “sin” of human kind towards him is the reason for his actions and why he was referred as a “criminal” (Shelley 268).

  16. 1) The ice cracked and after a few days it left a free path for the ship to move again (Shelley 262). Walton had to decide whether he should continue his journey to the north pole, or to return back to his native country of England (Shelley 261).
    2)A time when nature serves as a metaphor for Walton's emotions is when Walton's ship became free of the ice (Shelley 262). This reflects his emotions because once his ship is free, he feels free. He feels free from the ice and his journey, because he decides to go back to England. Walton now feels safe since he is going back to his homeland to his sister.
    3)I think Shelley had Frankenstein tell his story first as a warning to Walton. In the beginning Victor explained to Walton that he was like him once and it destroyed his life because of it. Then Victor tells his story to Walton to get Walton to change his ways so he could avoid the mistakes Victor had made in the past. Walton's purpose in the book is to learn from Victor's story and change his ways so he could live the happy life that Victor could not.
    4)Shelley's message is that a good life is a happy and peaceful life. She shows that seeking glory in your life ends up giving you misery and regret. Victor tells Walton to seek happiness in his life rather than ambition (Shelley 264). Victor's life story as portrayed throughout the book is a perfect example of this.
    5)The creatures final action was killing himself. He jumped out of a window in Walton's ship to be swept away by the freezing water (Shelley 270). The creature is not to blame for his evil actions. He became the way he was because of the lonliness he suffered throughout his life caused by neglect from society and most importantly his creator. When his creator first saw him, Victor ran away afraid and abandoned his creation (Shelley 70).

  17. 1) Walton's ship is free from the ice trap it was in. He had to decide to eitehr continue on his voyage or return with his crew to England(Shelley 259-260)
    2)“We are still surrounded by mountains of ice, still in imminent danger of being crushed on their conflict”(Shelley 259).This qoute shows how scared Walton is while being surrounded by ice. The scenery was basically destruction which, by Shelley's experiences, is probably foreshadowing upcoming events. This possibly foreshadows Walton's greatest fear, death.
    3)By Frankenstein telling his story to Walton, Walton gets a taste of what it would be like if he gained more knowledge and fame. Walton is later the main character again and the reader then witnesses Walton's decision to either go on with his journey or go back to England.
    4)“Seek happiness and tranquility and avoid ambition…” (Shelley 264).
    5)The creature's final action is to kill himself so his suffering and problems may end(Shelley 269). Because of the way society(Victor to be specific)has acted towards him, his experiences gave him ideas to kill/ commit suicide.

  18. 1. As Walton’s expedition becomes far too dangerous, he is told that if the passage should be found and if the ship should be freed from the immense ice, he should abort the journey and head southwards to England to avoid certain danger (Shelly 260). It is then that the deep ice surrounding the ship begins to make way for Walton’s desired passage (Shelly 262). It is at this moment that Walton must make the decision of staying the course, or extinguishing all his hopes and dreams to the power of fear.

    2. As the expedition continues, Walton’s ship is engulfed within the confines of the massive glaciers of the Arctic. “I am surrounded by mountains of ice which admit no escape and threaten every moment to crush my vessel” (Shelly 258). Walton’s ship is greatly trapped by the harsh seal of ice. This state of nature serves as a metaphor to Walton’s emotions, as much like his ship, Walton himself is trapped. He encounters a crossroad, at which he must make a grave decision: to continue his expedition, or to head to England to avoid death. This hefty decision makes Walton feel trapped, as he knows that there is no escape and that one way or another, he will have to come to a conclusion.

    3. I believe that Shelly had Victor tell Walton his own story to foreshadow Walton’s fate. As stated earlier in the novel, Walton is much like Victor, always reaching for the stars and searching for something greater than life. As well, I believe that Victor’s story was used as a warning to help Walton ‘see the light’ so to speak and to reestablish his own mindset. In Victor’s eyes, Walton is a second chance. A second change to get it right. To help Walton avoid misery and pain is something that Victor deeply desires. He does not want to see Walton follow the same path that he once did. In the simplest of terms, Walton is Victor’s pupil, learning from Victor’s mistakes and faults. In Victor’s mind, by helping Walton get on the right path to happiness, he is making up for all of the harm that he had ever caused for his family and friends.

    4. In the last chapters of the book Frankenstein, Shelly is trying to say that life is a continuous cycle and if not for the interference of others, it would continue to repeat. Walton is greatly like Victor, always looking for answers and searching for something greater than life itself. He is unknowingly following in the footsteps of Victor, as even though his mind tells him otherwise, he continues to partake in many troublesome actions. Victor tries to lure Walton away from his mindset for his own well being and at the same time, to save him from grave tribulations. “”Peace, peace! Learn from my miseries and do not seek to increase your own” (Shelly 255). Without the advice and guidance of Victor, Walton would continue down the road of inner rage and self destruction, like Victor did so many years ago.

    5. The creature’s final action is to separate himself from life and to navigate away from the many tribulations that he suffered from and caused. “I shall quit your vessel on the ice raft which brought me . . . I shall no longer feel the agonies which now consume me . . . I shall no longer see the sun or stars or feel the winds play on my cheeks” (Shelly 269). The creature no longer wants to partake in this violent series of events many call life. The creature is not to blame for his own deeds, as he was tempted and lured by the harsh treatment of his master. If Victor was to consult his being, maybe the creature would have learned to understand good from evil and right from wrong.

  19. 1. Walton’s ship is “surrounded by mountains of ice which admit of no escape and threaten every moment to crush his vessel” (Shelley 258). Many sailors were beginning to give up and it was up to Walton to make a decision. Walton had no choice but to “return if they were not destroyed” (Shelley 261). Walton’s” hopes were blasted by cowardice and indecision” (Shelley 261).
    2. “The ice cracked behind us and was driven with force towards the north; breeze sprang from the west, and on the 11th passage towards the south became perfectly free” (Shelley 262). The words “breeze, sprang, perfectly, and free” serves as a metaphor for Walton’s emotions. Since Walton’s ship is now free from ice, their fear was gone. Of course they would be full of joy because it was a sign that they would be safe.
    3. I think Shelley had Frankenstein tell Walton the story and then come back to t he present with Walton as the main character to show what Walton can go through. Frankenstein is a lot like Walton. They both wanted to go on an adventure to learn something new. Frankenstein’s experience turned out bad, so it may be a sign of what Walton may have to go through.
    4. “For while I destroyed his hopes, I did not satisfy my own desires” (Shelley 268). The creature wanted someone to know his miseries. Yes, the creature did destroy Frankenstein’s hopes, but what did it bring him?
    5. “I shall collect my funeral pile and consume to ashes this miserable frame, that its remains may afford no light to any curios and unhallowed wretch who would create such another as I have been. I shall die” (Shelley 269). The creature decides to suicide. The creature should not be blamed for his evil side because it was Frankenstein who brought the creature to an unknown world. The creature ended up learning about revenge and hatred.

  20. Question 1)
    Walton describes to his sister that his ship begins to free itself from the ice it was once surrounded in. After listening to Victor Frankenstein mishaps, Walton must decided to either continue his voyage to the North Pole to seek fame and glory or to turn his vessel around and head back home.

    Question 2)
    Before Walton's vessel begins to free itself from the surrounded ice, a breeze sprang from the west (Shelley 262). At this moment, Walton is full of joy since the boat is beginning to free itself from the ice. The breeze Walton feels matches his joyous self because the breeze and brings hope to the vessel freeing itself soon. The breeze Walton feels is a metaphor for Walton being full of joy due to the vessel breaking apart from the ice.

    Question 3)
    In the book Frankenstein, Shelley wrote a story within a story. Shelley had Frankenstein tell Walton his story for a reason. She wanted to get her message across that Science is bad and nature is good. Shelley shows her message through Victor's experiences. Victor creates a creature with Science who kills his family (Shelley 70). Victor seek glory and fame when creating his creature with Science. Walton now tells Victor he seeks glory and fame when wanting to discover a land that has never been touched by humans. Shelley has Victor tell his story to Walton to show Science is not good, and science destroys life. She has Walton come back to the story later on to show what Walton thinks about science after Victor's story.

    Question 4)
    Through this entire book, Shelley is bias. She is on nature's side and against Science. Shelley's message through these last chapters is that searching for fame and glory brings no good and that being natural is better and happier (Shelley 245). Victor seeks for fame and glory with Science and creates a creature who killed his family. Shelley's message is that glory and fame is never good.

    Question 5)
    The creature's final action is suicide (Shelley 270). He felt he had suffered enough. Victor provoked the creature's evil side. Victor is the true monster. The creature became knowledgeable about love and mates through society (Shelley 157-159). The creature asks Victor, his creator to make him a mate. Victor agrees under some circumstances. Victor tells the creature to disappear from society, if he wanted to have a mate. The creature goes through the obstacles Victor make shim go through. After the creature completes his promise he goes to Victor's home to only find out Victor broke his promise and never made a mate for the creature. The creature was angered and sought for revenge(Shelley 203-204). The creature became evil and was full of hatred because of Victor, therefore the creature is not to be blamed for his evil side.

  21. 1. The ice cracks and Walton's ship is not stuck anymore(Shelley 262). Walton decides to return home(Shelley 261).

    2. “The ice cracked behind us and was driven with force towards the north; breeze sprang from the west, and on the 11th passage towards the south became perfectly free” (Shelley 262). The words “breeze, sprang, perfectly, and free” these words coincide with Walton’s emotions. Since Walton’s ship is now free from ice, shelley is showing how walton escaped science's clutch and is going to live the life of nature.

    3. Shelley goes from telling Walton story to Frankenstein’s story back to Walton’s story to show Walton all the trouble Frankenstein went through. So that Walton can use Frankenstein's life as an example, and not follow the path he followed.

    4. Shelley is trying to show that in order to find happiness you have to avoid science, if you do you will recieve happiness, if you don't you will end up dying. A quote that shows this is "Farewell, Walton! Seek happiness in tranquility and avoid ambition, even if it be only the apparently innocent one of distinguishing yourself in science and discover” (Shelley 264).

    5. The creature committs suicide in the end because Victor is dead (Shelley 270). I think that the monster is not responsible for the Evil he committed because if Victor didn't abandon the creature when he was created all of this could have been avoided (Shelley 266-268).

  22. 1. Walton's ship was freed because the ice that surrounded it cracked [Shelley 262]. Walton has to make a decision to go to the North Pole or back to England as a coward [Shelley 261-262].
    2. Nature served as a metaphor for Walton's emotions during page 259; "We are still surrounded by mountains of ice, still in imminent danger of being crushed in their conflict. The cold is excessive, and many of my unfortunate comrades have already found a grave amidst this scene of desolation."
    3. Shelley had Frankenstein tell Walton the story because she wanted to teach readers and Walton the results of trying to achieve fame and glory. This would teach Walton not to sacrifice everything he had for fame and glory.
    4. Shelley is trying to tell the reader that trying to achieve fame and fortune will destroy him/her. "Seek happiness in tranquility and avoid ambition, even if it be only apparently innocent one of distinguishing yourself in science and discoveries” (Shelley 264).
    5. The creature decides to kill himself to end its misery because Victor has died [Shelley 270]. I don't think that the creature is to blame for his evil side because he did not turn evil himself. Victor and society [books] made him hate himself and people.

  23. 1. Walton's ship is gradually freed from the ice that has been surrounding his ship. Shortly after the ship is freed, he is to decide whether to go back home, or continue his expedition (Shelly 261-262).

    2. "We are still surrounded by mountains of ice, still in imminent danger of being crushed in their conflict" (Shelly 259). This metaphor of nature describes Walton's fear of death. He's scared him and his crew will be crushed by the ice.

    3. Shelley had Victor tell Walton the story and then come back to present with Walton as the main character. She wanted to explain that fame and glory isn't what's most important in people's life because in the end, people lose what's most important to them.

    4. "Seek happiness in tranquility and avoid ambition..." (Shelly 264). Shelley tries to explain that other things like fame and glory can't make you happy like the other things around someone.

    5. "I shall die" (Shelley 269). The creature decides to suicide because Victor is already dead, and there's no one he should hate or take his revenge on. He is not to blame for his evil side because he learned revenge, power, anger and wanting a mate from books and society. He wasn't created to kill and destroy, instead he was created because of Victor's desire for fame and glory.

  24. 1. What happens to Walton's ship? What decision does he have to make? Cite.

    The ice begins to crack, freeing the ship from its frozen state (Shelley 262). Walton must make a decision to either take his crew, as well as himself, back to England or if he should continue his journey to the North Pole (Shelley 261-262).

    2. Cite a time when the weather or nature serves as a metaphor for Walton's emotions. Explain.

    " We are still surrounded by mountains of ice, still in imminent danger of being rushed in their conflict" (Shelley 259). This displays Walton's fear of death, due to the "scene of desolation" and "feverish fire" in a man's eyes (Shelley 259).

    3. Why do you think Shelley had Frankenstein tell Walton the story and then come back to the present with Walton as the main character? What is Walton's purpose?

    I think that Shelley had Frankenstein tell Walton the story and then come back to the present with Walton as the main character to display Walton's change in point of view. In the beginning, Walton wanted to reach the North Pole. After Frankenstein's story, however, this makes him second guess if he should go towards the North Pole or turn back. Walton's purpose is to display his change from fame and glory, an unnatural view, to a natural, nature view.

    4. What message does Shelley solidify in these last chapters? Cite.

    " 'Seek happiness in tranquility and avoid ambition, even if it be only the apparently innocent one of distinguishing yourself in science and discoveries' " (Shelley 264).

    5. What is the creature's final action? Is he to blame for his evil side? Cite.

    The creature's final action is to kill himself, or die (Shelley 269). I believe that the creature is not to blame for his evil side, but the books he read (Shelley 156-158) and society (Shelley 164) are to blame for his evil side

  25. 1. Walton's ship got trapped by the ices. "I am surrounded by mountains of ice which admit of no escape and theaten every moment to crush my vessel" (Shelley 258). He had decided go back to England because their situation was too dangerous that his sailors want to go back home and do no more of this kind of discovery. "...I should engage with a solemn promise that if the vessel should be freed I would instantly direct my course southwards" (Shelley 260).

    2. "It's midnight; the breeze blows fairly..." (Shelley 264). This description of the nature parallel's Walton's emotion. Walton was feeling calm as the midnight. Midnight is suppose to be quite, and that was how Walton was feeling. The breeze were blowing, which give the calm midnight its rough. Just like the midnight and the breeze, Walton got suprised by the visit of the creature and got some trouble with the creature.

    3. Shelley had Frankenstein tell Walton the story and then come back to the present with Walton as the main character because she want to send the message of science and fame is bad in a stronger persuade. Frankenstein's story had been told and we learned that he got misery from the glory he want. However, this can be proved one more time if Shelley goes back to Walton and use him as an example. Shelley does this because she want to clearly show that science, glory, and fame is bad.

    4. Shelley's message in this last chapter is that glory is bad, and it won't let you have a happy life. The creature said he had once dream of fame, and he can found no one's gulit or misery like his(Shelley 268). Frankenstein had also told Walton when he died, that the glory he want had drive him into the miserable life that he faced (Shelley 263).

    5. The creature's final action is to kill himself and do no more sin. He will die peacefully lefting no trace behind (Shelley 270). He is not the blame for his evil acts because it wasn't him on his own will that he want to do it. He felt sin and evil when he killed the people who are lovely and nice (Shelley 269). However, people had forced him to do this because of the bad things they had done to him. He want to seek revenge to feel better(Shelley 268), and it's normal to think this way.

  26. 1-Walton's ship breaks from the ice. Walton's men wished to go back to England, But Victor wanted to continue. Walton was faced with a decision to either continue or go back home. (Shelley 261)

    2-When Victor went to the grave of William, Justine, Cherval and his father he was wondrous and slightly confused. The weather at the time was perfectly silent with the exception of the leaves and wind. Victor's state of mind left him motion less. Nature was described as windy. This description corresponds to the thoughts going around victor's mind. (Shelly 245-246)

    3-I thought that the reason why Shelley used Walton, Victor the Walton again as the main characters was for to convey the impact of victor's story on Walton. Walton realizes that what victor was trying to say was to not seek knowledge Hence Victor's death of wanting to find the creature. Victor never truly learned from his own lesson but after hearing Victor's whole story Walton had learned. We as the reader watching Walton learn means that we learn as well.

    4-The last thing that Shelley stated that she wanted the reader to leave off with was that Desires of evil deeds are not good. Victor's desires to find and kill the creature lead him to his death. The creature realized his evil deeds had inflicted massive sadness to his life, soon after the creature would die alone. Having the idea of death as the aftermath of something could really stick the value and importance of her idea. (Shelley 269)

    5-The creature's final action was to cremate victor and spread his ashes then basically die. The creature is the blame for his evil side he desired so much that it ended up in revenge. The revenge caused him to seek out evil deeds that left him very sad at the end. (Shelley 270, 269, 265)

  27. 1. Walton's ship breaks away from the ice. The ice split and cracked open. Walton has to make the decision of whether or not he should return to England (Shelley 262).

    2. “I am surrounded on mountains of ice which admit of no escape and threaten every movement to crush my vessel” (Shelley 258). Walton wants to go back to England because he misses the people there. The ice is described as “admit of no escape.” Walton thinks that there isn’t hope for him to go back. It also “threatens movement” so Walton is afraid and worried of never returning.

    3. I think Shelley wanted Frankenstein to tell Walton the story because both of them had the same goals in life. The only difference is that Frankenstein already had that experience. Frankenstein wanted fame and glory so he created the human and his consequence was living in misery. Since Frankenstein tells Walton the story, it’s giving him a heads up of what fame and glory does to a person. I think Walton is the person that understands the creature and not look at him as a monster. He also learns from Frankenstein’s past experience.

    4. “Seek happiness in tranquility and avoid ambition, even if it be only the apparently innocent one of disgusting yourself in science and discoveries” (Shelley 264). Shelley’s message is that “science and discoveries” won’t make a person happy. “Ambition” is to want fame and glory. “Avoiding ambition” will make someone happy instead of “science and discoveries.”

    5. The creature tells Walton his misery. He tells him how he feels about everything he’s done. The Creature thinks that he should die (Shelley 270). The creature is not to blame for everything he’s done. Frankenstein should be the one to blame because the creature was his responsibility. The creature was not taught from right and wrong. Society affected the creature and caused him to do everything he's done.

  28. 1. The ice that trapped Walton’s ship cracked and made a passageway for the ship to get out (Shelley 162). After hearing Victor’s story, Walton has to make a choice between returning to England and remaining in the North Pole to pursue his lifelong dream to achieve fame and glory (Shelley 261-262).
    2. “We are still surrounded by mountains of ice, still in imminent danger of being crushed in their conflict. The cold is excessive, and many of my unfortunate comrades have already found a grave amidst of this scene of desolation” (Shelley 259). This quote shows that Walton is worried and scared. Walton fears that the ice might crush the ship and kill everyone on it. He worries for the safety of the people on the ship.
    3. Shelley had Frankenstein tell Walton his story to inform Walton of the dangers of pursuing fame and glory. Walton is supposed to reflect on that tale and not risk lives to achieve that goal.
    4. Shelley’s message in these last few chapters is fame and glory is not worth pursuing. It won’t make you happy. It didn’t make Victor happy because he lost everyone that he loved. The creation he created killed William (Shelley 173), got Justine convicted for William’s murder and died (Shelley 105-108), and also killed Elizabeth (Shelley 237-238).
    5. The creature killed himself in the end. He decided to kill himself to end his misery because his creator finally died (Shelley 270). It isn’t the creature’s fault for being evil. He did not want to be evil. Victor and society made him hate who he is. They caused his unhappiness and misery.

  29. 1. The ice that had trapped Walton's ship have cracked. It freed walton's ship from being trapped in the ice (Shelley 262). Walton has to decide wether he should go back home or continue to his journey in the North Pole (261-262).

    2. " ...the ice began to move, and roarings like thunder were heard at a distance..."(selley 262). Walton's ship was still trapped in ice, and it was still exposed to dangers. Shelley used "thunder" to describe Walton's emotions. Thunder was described like a beast because it was "roaring". This shows that Walton's emotions was negatively because it was described violently.

    3. I think the purpose of Walton in the book Frankenstein was for Walton to learn from Victor's misfortunes. Walton was very similar to Victor beacuse of their pursuit for glory. Walton was used at the very end of the book to prove Shelley's point, which is nature is good and science/glory is bad.

    4. " happiness in tranquillity and avoid ambitions..."(Shelley 264). Shelley's message in the last chapter of Frankenstein was to forget glory and ambitions. Avoid the te false promises of science and to live happily in peace along with nature.

    5. The creature's final action was choosing to commit suicide after witnessing Victor's death (Shelley 270). I think the Creature shouldn't be blame for his evil side because he was not always evil. He turn evil after reading the books of society and experiencing the cruel treatment he recieved from Victor and society.

  30. 1. At first, Walton’s ship was surrounded by mountains of ice (Shelley 259), but then was released slowly to an open path because the ice cracked and split (262). Walton was between choices on whether going back to England as a coward or continue his journey and claim glory as a “hero” (260-261)

    2. “We are still surrounded by mountains of ice, still imminent danger of being crushed in their conflict. The cold is excessive…scene of desolation.” (259) This scene gives a very cold, freezing, and lost vibe to the reader. Walton is fearful of what may happen in the future. He keeps in mind about the past explorers who tried finding the North Pole but never returned. Both him and his sailors are afraid of what mutiny would happen to them. They’re being “crushed” in choosing what to do. It’s up to them what to do because they’re “desolated”.

    3. Shelley probably made Frankenstein tell him story because she wanted to show the reader the before and after effect of science. Walton is someone that’s new and untaught, like us (the readers), of what’s ahead of us. Frankenstein’s purpose is to teach us what glory, fame, and thirsting for knowledge would cause for our future. She goes back to Walton to show what happens in the end for Frankenstein, who was a victim of glory, fame, and having the thirst for knowledge.

    4. The last words of Frankenstein, “Seek happiness in tranquility and avoid ambition (264)”, and the words of the creature, “I destroyed his hopes, I did not satisfy my own desires (268)”, “Polluted by crimes and torn by the bitterest remorse, where can I find rest but in death? (270)” Shelley’s message is to find happiness by going with the flow in life and not to go against the flow. If you go against what’s meant to be, then you disrupt yourself and you’ll never be satisfied with the rest of your life. Once you start going against it, your life will build on it and in the end death is your only escape.

    5. The creature’s final decision and action is to suicide so his spirit can be free and happy (270). I don’t blame the creature for what he’s become, but I blame the influence he’s had. He pitied Clerval, the innocent, for killing him (266). He had no choice but to stay powerful. He learned in society that those that who are in power are always on top (146).

  31. 1)"The ice began to move, and roarings like thunder were heard at a distance as the islands split and cracked in every direction.... The ice cracked behind us and was driven with force towards the north" (Shelley 262). Once the ice has freed the ship Walton decides to return back to his homeland England (Shelley 264).

    2)"We are still surrounded by the mountains of ice, still in imminent danger of being crushed in their conflict. The cold is excessive, and many of my unfortunate comrades have already found a grave amidst this scene of desolation" (Shelley 259). Natures acts as a metaphor here because Walton too, feels cold like the mountains. He fears for the lives of the comrades, this situation makes him feel enclosed by a big issue just like the big mountains that surround him.

    3)Frankenstein sees himself within Walton so he shares his story. They both at one point in their life seek fame and fortune. Frankenstein shares his misfortunes to mentor and to teach Walton to not pursue this "unnatural" desire because it is not worth it. Shelley then ends the book with Walton in the present to show Frankenstein's death from another perspective and get across the overall message that nature is good and science is bad.

    4)The message solidified in the last chapters is that happiness is not attained from science. Frankenstein told Walton "Would you also create for yourself and the world a demoniacal enemy? Peace, peace! Learn from my miseries and do not seek to increase your own" (Shelley 255). Frankenstein is comparing Walton's journey to the north pole to his wretched creature because both go against the laws of nature.

    5)After the creature witnesses Frankenstein's dead body he decides to kill himself (Shelley 270). The creature cannot be blamed for his evil side because he was conducted with good intentions but corrupted by society who made him hate himself, his creator, and people.

  32. 1. On page 262, the ice began to move and "split and cracked in every direction." (Shelly 262) This caused Walton's ship to soon be freed from the ice. The decision Walton has to make was to either return back home to England or to proceed to the North Pole to find fame and glory.
    2. A time when nature served as a metaphor for Walton’s emotions was on page 259, Walton stated, “We are all surrounded by mountains of ice, still in imminent danger of being crushed in their conflict." (Shelly 259) Walton’s emotions at this time were, "The cold is excessive, and many of my unfortunate comrades have already found a grave amidst this scene of desolation." (Shelley 259). The metaphor between nature and Walton’s emotions shows how the mountains were full of ice and the dangers of how easily he could be crushed. This scene of nature is a metaphor of Walton’s emotions because at this time Walton feels very cold. This frigid emotion is compared to the icy mountains and serves a metaphor between Walton's emotions and nature.
    3. Mary Shelley had Frankenstein tell Walton the story because she wanted Frankenstein to warn Walton what are the consequences of pursuing science and fame and glory. Frankenstein's story conveyed deep sadness and death in the ending which opened Walton's eyes about the right path to take, to go home. Walton's purpose was to show someone who saw and learned the consequences of his potential future and took the better, safer path in life.
    4. The message that Mary Shelly solidifies in these last chapters is to "Seek happiness in tranquility and avoid ambition." (Shelly 264) This message means to seek happiness instead of continuously searching for fame and glory. If you were to seek happiness and have found it, you may have achieved fame and glory within yourself.
    5. On page 270, the creature states, “I shall die." (Shelly 270) The creature’s final action is to commit suicide because of the burning miseries within his heart. The creature feels death is the only way to put an end to these horrid emotions and that is what he does. The creature is not to blame for his evil side. On page 155 the creature finds books which represent society and changed him to become evil. As the creature read these books, he changed for the worse and compares himself to Satan. (Shelly 158) Society is who to blame for the innocent creatures evil side because it made him become evil.

  33. 1. As the ice is chipping around Walton's ship, it is becoming free(Shelley 262). Walton has to decide whether he is going to return home, or continue his journey.
    2. Nature serves as metaphor to Walton when Shelley writes "We are still surrounded by the mountains of ice, still in imminent danger of being crushed in their conflict"(Shelley 259). Shelley is showing that like the mountains, Walton is surrounded by ice and he is cold. It is also showing that Walton is in danger.
    3. Shelley had Frankenstein tell Walton his story because Walton had to see that nature was good, and fame wasn't always so greta. I also believe Shelley did this so that Walton could learn from the mistakes that Frankenstein made.
    4. The message that Shelley is trying to show is that you shouldn't always reach for fame and glory like Victor did because it can lead you to be unhappy. Shelley says to reach for happiness,“Seek happiness in tranquility and avoid ambition” (Shelley 264). This quote supports the message because it shows that instead of being so ambitious and reaching for fame, just find yourself first and happiness.
    5. The creatures final action was that he left Walton's ship and burned himself until he was dead (Shelley 270). The creature cannot be blamed for his evil side because he was always turned away and never treated right, so he was always unhappy. All he wanted was a mate/companion to make him happy, but without that he was evil and unhappy.

  34. 1. At first Walton’s ship was trapped within ice, but once the ice began to crack, the ship was able to move out towards sea (Shelley 261-262). Walton must decide to either continue his expedition to the North Pole, or return to England with his shipmen (Shelley 260).

    2. “…surrounded my mountains of ice, still in imminent danger…found a grave amidst this scene of desolation.”(Shelley 259) Clearly, the icy mountains symbolizes a sense of negativity, unfortunately Walton remains isolated amongst the ice and cold. Walton is evidently trapped within ice, endeavoring to escape. He is unable to withstand the natural surroundings he has encountered. Once the ice begins to crack, the reader gets a sense that Walton is now able to break free and set out to reach his goals as an explorer.

    3.Shelley uses this technique within her story to show how Walton can learn from Frankenstein’s misbehaviors, and as well as, conveying the message of avoiding ambition. Clearly, Victor is great example of how one man can be destroyed by ambition.

    4. Shelley’s message during the last few chapters of the novel, is to “seek happiness and tranquility and avoid ambition…” (Shelley 264). In other words, the way to happiness is to limit any desires or goals that could lead to destruction. Walton risked his life and many others to embark in dangerous adventures to discover fame and glory. The leading result was unhappiness and both men, Frankenstein and Walton, were unable to find peace within them.

    5. The creature’s final action was to commit suicide (Shelley 269). The creature is innocent and is not the blame for his evil ways. Society, evidently, shapes how the creature is conveyed and how he behaves within his natural surroundings. Victor, the creator, was a great influence on the creature. Hence, Victor is apart of society.

  35. 1. At the end of the book Walton is no longer stuck in the ice. Walton is stuck decicing if he should go back to England an be the good person or the bad.
    2."we are still surrounded by ice" (Shelley 259) This shows how Walton was scared. He was afraid because he knew that this ice could bring him to his death.
    3.She uses this to show how Walton learns from others mistakes. Walton learns from others like Frankenstein.
    4.Her message is that people shouldnt go for the higher things. We shouldnt go for fame and glory because it makes us forget who we are and were we come from.
    5.The creatures final action is to commit suicide. He is innocent but at the end commits a sin.

  36. 1)The ice began to crack seperating the Ship(Shelly 262-263). Walton has to decide if he wants to continue on with his journey(Shelly 260).
    2)"We are still surrounded by mountains of ice, still in imminent danger of being crushed in their conflict(Shelly 259). This quote connects Waltons emotions with nature. It is implying that Walton is worried since his comrads are dying due to the cold. Also he is lonley since he is being trapped by the ice.
    3)Shelly has Victor tell Walton his story in order for him to learn from his mistakes. Victor is a man driven by ambition as is Walton. Victors ambition has done him no good and by showing Walton this, Walton can learn not to let his ambition over power him.
    4)"Seek happiness in tranquility and avoid ambition(Shelly 264").
    5) In the end the creature decides to commite suicide(Shelly 270). The creature is not to blame for his evil ways. He learned everything from society and Victor. He learned about killing through the books he read while staing with the cottagers. Also he was shown no love and affection, but neglect from his creator. If Victor would've raised him properly the creature wouldn't have been so evil.

  37. 1)Walton’s ship was set free and Walton had to make the decision of whether to continue his journey or to go south; back to England. “…the ice began to move, and roarings like thunder were heard at a distance as the islands spit and cracked in everyy direction.” (Page 262)
    2)“It is midnight; the breeze blows fairly, and the watch on deck scarcely stir.” (Page 264-265) This weather represents Walton’s emotion when Frankenstien was dying; sadness. Walton wanted to hear Frankenstein’s rest of the story before he makes his decision, the deck scarcely stir.
    3)Shelley had Frankenstein tell Walton the story and then come back to the present with Walton as the main character to tell Walton not to make the same mistake as he did. Walton’s purpose is to not put glory and desire first like Victor.
    4)Shelley’s last message in this chapter, is to treat everyone equal and right so they wouldn't become bad. “Am I to be thought the only criminal, when all human kind sinned against me?” (Page 268) If you don’t, you’ll get something bad in return.
    5)The creature’s final action was to kill himself, just like how the guy in the Sorrow of Werter did. The creature is not to blame for his evil side, it was the society. People; the socety didn’t treat him like a human being leaving him all alone and furious. He didn’t do anything but people judged him as an malignant devil. (Page 268) The way the society treated the creature, caused him to do those action.

  38. 1.) Walton's ship is now able to move since the ice that was stopping it cracked. He has the decision of going back to England and be nothing, or continue on his search for glory (Shelley,261-262).

    2.) Walton is "surrounded by mountains of ice, still in imminent danger of being crushed in their conflict." (Shelley,259) Walton is afraid at this point. He is concerned for his health and the health of his comrades as well.

    3.) Shelley had Frankenstein tell his story so that Walton could learn from his mistakes. The story shows how chasing you dreams could lead to misery.

    4.) Shelley's message is to " seek happiness in tranquiliy and avoid ambition..." (Shelley,264) Towards the end Walton endangers the health of others and his own health. If walton continues to seek his ambitions, his life would downfall into misery.

    5.) The creature's final action is to commit suicide (Shelley,269). The creature is not to blame for his evil side. If Victor had not abandoned him sicne the beginning, the creature would have been a whole different person.

  39. 1) At last, Walton's ship has escaped from the ice that trapped his ship (Shelley 262). The crew members feel like it is time to turn back and go back home to avoid any further dangers. Now Walton is faced with a decision to either go back to England empty handed or fulfill his goal and continue forward (Shelley 261-262)

    2) "The ice cracked behind us and was driven with force towards the north: a breeze sprang from the west, and on the 11th the passage towards the south became perfectly free" (Shelley 262). This quote is a metaphor because now Walton is free from the ice allowing himself to have more options. However, the ship crew wants to go back to England. This is pretty much a force on Walton's decision making since he may be the only one considering continuing this journey.

    3) I believe Shelley had Frankenstein tell his story to Walton to teach him a lesson and prevent him from making a mistake. Frankenstein reached for fame and got it. Now because of that, he has gone through many difficulties and has encountered many misfortunes. Walton's purpose is to make the same decision that Frankenstein once made and then to have Frankenstein's story change Walton's mind and guide him to the right direction.

    4) In my eyes, Shelley's message in the final chapters is to seek happiness and fame and glory will only do you wrong. She conveys this saying when she writes, "Seek happiness in tranquility and avoid ambition, even if it be only the apparently innocent one of distinguishing yourself in science and discoveries"(Shelley 264). Shelley basically explains to try to avoid any goals,especially if it is about science or discoveries which will lead to fame and glory. Just as in the story, fame and self-glory only lead to problems and unhappiness.

    5) The creature's final action was telling Walton about his misery and unhappiness in life. Next, the creature commits suicide believing that death would bring much more happiness than where he is at now (Shelley 269-270). He is not to blame for his evil side. In fact, those around him, including Victor is to blame. WIthout much intention, they have made his life completely miserable just based on his features and what he is assumed to be.

  40. 1. Walton's ship breaks free from the ice, allowing them to return to England (Shelley 262). Walton's men wanted to go back to England but Victor wanted to continue searching for his creation. Walton had to decide what he wanted to do (Shelley 261-262).

    2. "He was soon borne away by the waves and lost in darkness and distance." (Shelley 270). Victor just died and walton feels "sorrow", "inadequate" and "disappointed". These are all un-happy and dark feelings. When Victor was still alive, he filled Walton with "cheerful auguries" (Shelley 259). The darkness and distance that Shelley later describes is a metaphor for the darkness and sorrow that Walon feels without Victor. Walton feels distant and lost in the world without having a friend like Victor there for him, and Shelley uses nature as a metaphor to express Walton's emotions.

    3. Shelley uses different narrarators so that each character has multiple sides to him. For example, Frankenstein sees himself as a bad person while Walton sees him as a beloved friend. This way, the characters feel more real and can be interpreted in different ways. This sort of narraration is also useful because Frankenstein tells the story while Walton learns from it.

    4. Shelley's message in the last chapters is "Seek happiness in tranquility and avoid ambition, even if it be only the apparently innocent one of distinguishing yourself in science and discoveries" (Shelley 264). Victor tells Walton that the fame and glory Walton saught after is not worth going through what Victor went through. Walton should instead focus on the happiness that nature and life brings him and not focus on his ambitions that can put his life at risk.

    5. The creature's final action is suicide because his creator, Victor, is dead (Shelley 270). The creature is not responsible for his evil side because he did not know any better. After his own creator abandoned him, the creature was shunned by everyone he tried to come into contact with. Even the books he read about men showed that they killed each other and were hostile. The books and the actions of humans was the only exposure the creature had to ways of life. Since the creature was not exposed to many positive emotions and actions, he did not have a chance to learn how to love and be good since no one acted that way with him. Nature made the creature good until society morphed him into a hostile monster that craved revenge.

  41. 1) Walton's ship broke free from the ice since the ices cracked. Walton had to decided whether he goes back home or he should continue on the journey since he already started it(Shelley 261-262)

    2)"We are still surrounded by the mountains of ice, still in imminent danger of being crushed in their conflict"(Shelley 259). The mountain of ice is like desolate him from other people and some of his crew already died due to cold. The ice is also like blocking and stopping him from reaching his goal. Walton will be lonely since his crews had become lesser and lesser.

    3) I think Shelley is making Frankenstein secretly telling Walton to stop this journey since he don't want another person to end up the way he is now. Frankenstein might want Walton to learned from the mistakes of the past or Frankenstein since Frankenstein did not learn that mistake from anyone.

    4)"Seek happiness in tranquility and avoid ambition, even if it be only the apparently innocent one of distinguishing yourself in science and discover." (Shelley 264).

    5)The creature killed himself as the final act (Shelley 270). No because he was not evil to begin with since he wasn't acknowledged by anyone even the person that created him. As the creator of the creature, he should be the one responsible for the evilness since if you are going to abandon him soon why bother bringing the creature to live. Victor is making the creature miseries yet the creature wants be to loved and respected. The evilness that is inside the creature was also created by Victor since he should be taking care of the creature instead abandon him like he is a pet or something.

  42. 1. While on a journey to reach fame, Walton's ship becomes enclosed and trapped by a "mountain of ice" (Shelley 259). This situation becomes drastic when time passes and the boat remains the same. Fearing for there lives, Walton's crew orders that if there ship were free they demanded the ships course be altered and head back home (Shelley 259). At risk of putting his crews life at danger and taking there plea into consideration, Walton decides to give up on his fame seeking journey and head back home (Shelley 261).

    2. When Walton's ship becomes enclosed by ice and the severity of his situation becomes known to Walton, his emotions flare and are described by nature. A "mountain of ice which admit of no escape and threaten every moment to crush my vessel" (Shelley 258) are some descriptions of the nature surrounding Walton. During this moment Walton felt anguish and a sense of guilt for having landed his crew into this dire situation.

    3. Mary Shelley aimed at proclaiming nature to be good and science to be bad. Victor, who represented the effects of science through his life's misery, told his life's story to Walton, who was about to head in the same direction which Victor's life had gone. Victor aimed to reanimate life and the effects of such an action brought the death of his loved ones. Walton aimed at discovering unexplored lands and going through treachery to achieve this goal. The author had Victor explain to Walton the effects of going down a road not taken by many. Walton serves the purpose of someone yet to venture into a world of despair, otherwise known as industrialization.

    4. The book Frankenstein by Mary Shelley holds many key meanings over industrialization but the main one being that staying with the old shall have a more positive effect then going out seeking new. Walton seeked new frontiers and left his ordinary life to fulfill his life's ambition of gaining fame through the extraordinary. The future was foreshadowed in that before achieving his goal Walton and his crew suffered a critical blow in being held down by ice (Shelley 258). Reluctantly Walton agreed to give up on his ambitions and returned home without suffering anything but inconvenient memories. Victor went through a similar life to that of Walton. Victor was a happy child brought up in a pleasant environment, instead of staying in such a pleasant setting Victor aimed at discovering and learning more then there was. Victor aimed at reanimating life and because of this suffered great anguish throughout his life. Overall the author aims at sending the message that sticking with the old is better then venturing into the new, which is exactly what the industrial revolution was; a venture into an unclear new world.

    5. After the creature discovers Victor's lifeless body he mourns for his creator. the creature explains that although he wished for the suffering of his creator he never meant him harm and he saw now that his acts were not the best to gain him happiness. All the creature ever wanted was to be happy and what he thought would gain him happiness did not (Shelley 266). The creature tells Walton that in order for his life's quest to be complete he must sacrifice himself and rid the world of his existence (Shelley 269). Before disappearing the creature explains to Walton all he was meant to suffer and although he brought the death of innocent he suffered from it and never gained any happiness from it (Shelley 269). The creatures Words showed that his acts were forced upon him through a cruel existence, proving that the creature was not to blame for his evil actions.

  43. 1- While Walton writes his letter to his sister, he exclaims that on September 9th, “the ice began to move” (262). This leads to the ship movie and everyone getting happy. Walton has now to decide what path to chose. He must pick between going to the North Pole and finding fame and fortune, or going back home to England (262). If he chooses to get the glory, then could he end up like Victor? Walton has to learn from Victor’s story in order to make the right decisions.

    2- A time when nature serves as a metaphor for Walton is when Victor died. Walton’s face was filled with tears. His “mind was over shadowed by a cloud of disappointment” (264). He was very sad as he was worried as well. Here he thinks bout if he should go on with his adventure of go back home. His only friend Victor is now dead. The disappointment was because now that he came out here for no reason he has to go back home without the fame and fortune.

    3- Shelley had Frankenstein tell Walton the story and then come back to the present with Walton as the main character because if she really wants to make a point there had to be a story with a point. By creating another story with a point it gives that main character a lesson to learn. This is just like what parents do. Parents tell you stories about the past to give you the point that they don’t want you to make the same mistake. The same goes for Shelley, she wants to make a point to Walton about what happened when he went to find fame and glory. This will also get the reader a sense of what she is trying to say.

    4- In these last chapters, Shelley shows that trying to find happiness is hard. This is because Victor, trying to have happiness, but couldn’t till he died. He now seeks for “happiness in tranquility” (264). Now that Victor is dead he will be happy. Since this book is based on the bible, this could show some similarities about heaven. This may show that Victor will go to heaven and find peace, plus his family.

    5- The creature jumps into the river and kills himself (270). The creature is not to blame for the evil side because he has a heart. This creature is part human, therefore he has feelings, and as everyone those feelings are brought up by society. Society has taught him, with the books, and has helped him understand that life has its ups and downs. This is how he learns about revenge.

  44. 1. Walton's ship gets stuck in ice, and all of the people aboard are stuck in the middle of the water. When the ice splits and cracks, Walton has to make a decision: he can return to England like the sailors prefer, or he can continue his journey like Frankenstein seems to be persuading him to do (Shelley 262).
    2. "The ice began to move, and roarings like thunder were heard at a distance as the islands split and cracked in every direction"(Shelley 262). This is parallel to the idea that Walton has thought about his decision to be shameful or not. He doesn't want to be shameful, and that tells him to "move" ahead like the ice, but just like the thunder, the safety of his men is "roaring" to him; as a result, he doesn't want to move ahead (Shelley 262).
    3. Shelley has Victor tell Walton his story to let him know what the pursuit of fame does. Victor wanted fame and glory, and it led him to death. If Walton continues to fame, He'll probably lead himself to disaster (Shelley 262). Walton's purpose is to show what unnatural feelings like desire does to people.
    4. Shelley lets the reader know that fame, desire and other unnatural things lead to ruin. Victor desired fame and created a monster. All of his happiness was destroyed. Walton had the choice between the suffering of his friends and fame. All of the instances of unnatural feelings lead to ruin (Shelley 262).
    5. The creature's final action was to see Victor's dead body. He had his hand towards Victor when Walton walked in. The creature explaind his side of Victor's story (Shelley 265). The creature isn't at fault for his actions. He may be a devastating monster, but all his good actions were repayed with evil; as a result, he become full of terrific features and revenge.

  45. 1. Walton’s ship had been freed by the ice surround it the previous night. The decision he have to make is to continue his expedition in the north or go back home to England (Shelley 261).

    2. A time when nature serves as a metaphor for Walton’s emotion was "…my tears flow; my mind is over-shadowed by a cloud of disappointment…" (Shelley 264). At this moment, Walton was deeply touched by sadness seeing Victor die.

    3. I think that Shelley had Frankenstein tell Walton the story and then come back to the present with Walton as the main character because she wanted all the character to be view in multiple perspectives. Walton’s purpose in Frankenstein story being told to him is to allow Walton to learn from what Frankenstein experience. At that moment, Walton has a choice to go back to England or continue is search for fame and glory which did not come out very well in Frankenstein point of view.

    4. Mary Shelley solidify in these last chapters is to keep your eyes on one goal at a time and do not go off track. "Seek happiness in tranquility and avoid ambition… (Shelley 264). This quote shows that stick with your plans in order to achieve happiness with no dangers. If you side-track, your desires will not fulfill what you want the outcome to be.

    5. The creature’s final action is to killing himself after seeing Victor dead body. From Walton point of view, the creature is not blamed for his evil side. The creature is not accepted in society which led him killing innocent people. The revenge did not bring the creature any happiness which the creature thought it would. The vengeance from Victor was not blamed on him because it was all brought to him (Shelley 266).

  46. 1. Walton’s ship was freed from the ice (Shelley 262). He had to decide to go back to England with his crew (Shelley 259 – 260).

    2.“We are still surrounded by mountains of ice, still in imminent danger of being crushed in their conflict. The cold is excessive, and many of my unfortunate comrades have already found a grave amidst this scene of desolation” (Shelley 259). This shows that Walton is afraid of losing the rest of his sailors since its so cold . Walton needs to decide whether to go back home or continue his journey towards the North Pole.

    3.Shelley had Frankenstein tell Walton the story to show Walton all the misfortunes Frankenstein went through. Shelly compared Walton with Victor. They both wanted fame and Victor’s consequences weren’t so good so Walton decides to forget about the fame and live a better live than Victor. Walton’s purpose is to learn from Frankenstein’s mistake.

    4. Shelley’s message was to “Seek happiness in tranquility and avoid ambition…” (Shelley 264). Fame would lead you to misfortunes.

    5. The creature’s final action was to commit suicide (Shelley 270). He is not to blame for his evil side. He became evil because the people made him evil. He felt ignored and alone. He didn’t want to be evil but he had no choice.

  47. 1) As time passes by the ice starts to break apart setting Walton's ship free. (Shelley 262) Walton must make a decision to either stop his voyage of the north pole and come home with no fame or glory or he must continue his voyage of the north pole and come home with fame and glory. (Shelley 261)

    2.) A quote that descirbes Walton's emotions .“We are still surrounded by mountains of ice, still in imminent danger of being crushed on their conflict.” (Shelley 259)
    This explains Walton's emotions because they were surrounded by ice and they were endangered if it were to fall on them sinking the boat. So I think it shows that Walton is in fear of death because he wants his fame and glory.
    3.) I think Shelley had Victor Frankenstein tell the story to Walton because Victor already experienced the feeling to try to achieve fame and glory and the consequences of it. Victor wanted to let Walton know not to get caught up with this goal because it would tear your life apart. And if Walton didn't listen to Victor his fame would soon lead to disater. (Shelley 262) I think Waltons purpose is to listen to Victor and not make the same mistake he did.

    4.)Shelleys message is said in this quote:
    "Seek happiness in tranquility and avoid ambition, even if it be only the apparently innocent one of distinguishing yourself in science and discoveries." (Shelley 264).

    5.) The creatures final action was he commited suicide. (Shelley 269-270)
    I think the creature wasn't to blame for his evil side because society was the one who made the effect on him. The creature was good in the beginning until he realized how much of an abomination he was when he was beat by Felix. This changed the creatures outlook on people and made him kill and desire things just like society.

  48. 1. After being stranded in the ice, it finally cracked and the ship could move (Shelley 262). Walton had to decide which direction to go for it. If he goes home, he will forever feel like a coward and like he wasted his time for nothing. If he continues, he will have to continue his journey in risk of going through the torture Frankenstein warned im about.
    2. "We are still surrounded by mountains of ice, still in imminent danger of being crushed in their conflict" (Shelley 259). This is a metaphor for Victors emotions because he is crushed by the decision to go home. He does not know which direction to take and cannot tell which one is better.
    3.Shelley's purpose for Victor was to show Walton the bad side of industrialization. The two were both after fame and glory. Victor had terrible misfortunes and told his story to Walton in order to warn him of the horrid things coming his way. SHelley's purpose for Walton was to be a metaphor for society. Society is using technology and science to move forward. she is trying to tell the horrible possibilities that can take place and that being towards nature is better for all.
    4. Shelley's message is to "seek happiness in tranquility and avoid ambition, even if it be apparently innocent" (Shelley 264). Nature is peaceful and one should make their live their life in nature. Ambition leads to disaster and misery, and when one fulfills their ambition nothing but destruction will become of it.
    5. The creature's final act was to kill himself after seeing Victor. Victor was dead and the monster had no reason to live. He had no mate, no one to keep him company, and was made an outcast of society. This was not to blame because he was evil. The creature was never given a chance to show his kindness to Victor, or felix. Society made him lonesome and miserable so the monster turned to his only choice-- death.

  49. 1. The ice starts to melt and the ship is set free. Then Walton decides to continue his trip as a hero or go home as a coward. (Shelly 126)
    2. The ice sorrounding the ship is described as dark and and mopuntainous. (Shelley 259). At the same time Walton is stuck in the middle of land covered with ice.
    3. I think Shelley did this so Walton can learn from Frankenstein's misfortunes and his mistakes for looking for glory and fame.
    4. Shelley's message tha she wanted to convey was to look for happines and stay with nature rather than look for glory and disturb the peace. (Shelley 259).
    5. The creature killed himself at the end to stop all the bad things he would continue to do beacuase of the way society made him to be (269).

  50. 1) Slowly the ice around the ship began to crack and the ship is now free to continue to sail. Walton has to decide whether he should return home to England or continue his journey because he is so close (Shelley 260-264).

    2)”I must commence destructive and almost endless journey across the mountainous ices of the ocean, amidst cold that few of the inhabitants could long endure...” (Shelley 251)
    Walton doesn’t want to continue his journey because he is scared his crew will not survive the rest of the journey because of the weather.

    3) Shelley bring the story back to Walton for him to be the main character be cause Shelley want to show how unnatural thing like science, gory, and fame bring nothing but misfortune and hurt the people around you. Victor had already been through his like and had found out what science can do to a person. Walton is now has a choice to make to become like Victor or go back home and like a natural life with out science. Walton show society’s choices that could make follow science or live life naturally.

    4)”I momentarily expect my release, is the only happy one which I have enjoyed for several years.” (Shelley 264)
    Shelley is trying to solidify that science is the wrong thing to follow. When victor let him self go those were the most happy years of his life which when he wasn’t thinking of science.

    5) The create had decided that his was the end of his life and that he was going to kill him self to be relieved of his horrible life (Shelley 269-270). The creature is to blame for his actions because the creature could have learned from the human and acted differently and he always had a choice and didn’t follow the right one.

  51. 1. Walton's ship is free and he is now able to continue off to England (Shelley 260-264).

    2. "We are still surrounded by mountains of ice...The cold is excessive.."(Shelley 259). This shows how despite the fact that Walton is freed from the ice, he is still in danger and is at risk of dying. He can freeze to death, and just as the ice cracked to set him, free he can crack and kill him.

    3. Shelley did this to compare Walton's and Frankenstein's point of veiw. Walton now knows what danger his excessive studies have put him in. Frankenstein is also aware of the damage he can cause, however Walton is choosing to go back home and preserve himself, while Frankenstein is choosing to still cause destruction.

    4. "Seek happiness in tranquillity and avoid ambition" (Shelley 264). Shelley is tryng to convey the message that happiness is found when we are at peace in our hearts. By finding happiness in our lives we vare appreciating what we have. If we search for ambition, we are showing discontent. We are not being pure because we desire more.

    5.In the end, the creature killls himself. He does so by burning a raft which he is on (Shelley 270). I say the creature is to blame for his evil actions, The creature studied human nature. Yes, he learned the bad apects of humans, but he also learned the good. He learned of helping and taking care of one other. The creature had a choice. He knew what was write and what was wrong. He chose to kill and destroy Victor's mind.

  52. 1.) As Frankenstein finishes his story, Walton reflects on this story, and the ice surrounding the ship breaks and the ship is free. Then Walton has to think, as he does not know whether to continue with his quest for fame and glory but suffer like Frankenstein, or to turn the ship over and live happyily according to what is naturall (Shelley 261).

    2.)One metaphor is when Frankenstein is on his death bed, and Walton is crying. " My tears flow; my mind is overshadowed by a cloud of disappiontment (Shelley 264). This shows that the quest that Walton was seeking was for the best, but would actually ruin and mess up his life.

    3.)I think the purpose of Walton was to show that society is the same as him. He sought fame, glory and money like most people want. Then as Frankenstein tells his story, you notice the result of how this unnatural thing is not good for man, and it should not exist.

    4.)Shelleys message is to show how fame and glroy are bad for people, and pretty much anything unnatural is bad for you. It is better to live life according to the laws of nature instead of going against it and thinking that fame and glory is better, when it is not.

    5.)The creature then decides that there is no reason why to live, as the revenge he once sought has ended because Frankenstein is now dead. Because Frankenstein did not give the creature a mate, he has nobody to even talk to, or even to be with, or co exist with. He decides to kill himself by going to the North Pole. He would probably be better off dead than living on this cruel world with absolutely nothing to live for.

  53. 1. After staying stuck on the ice for a long while, the ice started to crack (Shelley 262-264). Waltion then had the decide whether to continue with his journey and feel like a hero or go back home and keerp his sailors safe (Shelley 262-264).
    2. " I am surrounded by mountains of ice which admit of no escape and threaten every moment to crush my vessel" (Shelley 258). The quote relates to Waltons emotion's because walton is feeling nervous and scared because he of Victors experiences. He is having some of hope of being safe and he doubts his life and the lives of the people on the ship.
    3.Shelley went back to waltons story to show what kind of impact Victors story had on Walton. Shelley wants to make her point that glory isnt going to lead to anything but misfortunes. She wants to show thgat nature is good and that science is bad.
    4."Farewell, Walton!Seek happiness in tranquility and avoid ambition, even if it be only the apperently innocent one of distinguishing yourself in science and discoveries" (Shelley 264). Shelley wants to let the reader know that science doesnt bring anything buyt misfortunes. It brings more pain and more miseries if a person aquires more knowlwdge. She wants to let a person know that nature is more peaceful and it doesn't bring discofort to a person's life.
    5.After the creature saw that Victor was dead, the creature said that he had no purpose to live and to exist (Shelley 265-270). He saw that the only happiness that he could gain was from Victor. Yet he killed many lives to feel happy by getting revenge on Victor. Yet all of the murders did nothing and brought him more pain. All of the creatures actions were forced on the creature becase the creature had to learn to survive. In the end, the creature killed himself so that he won't bring more pain to other people in the world (Shelley 270).
