Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Winter Break Global/English Assignment

Winter Holiday Break Assignment
Global History/English
Karvunis, Konarski and Shalev

Due date: Monday January 4th

Objectives: to understand how the industrial revolution transformed lives
to understand the differences between rural/pastoral and urban settings
to show understanding of sonnet structures
to use figurative language and literary devices to compose a sonnet

Step One: You must visit two places over the holiday. You must visit a rural/pastoral setting (Prospect Park, Central Park, The Cloisters..etc..) and a heavily populated urban setting (42nd Street, Times Square, Union Square). You will comment on how you feel in each setting. It is best to do this travel in one day.

Step Two: You must write three letters (like Walton to his sister). The topics of the letters should be:
a. observations and sensations of the rural/pastoral setting
b. observations and sensations of the urban setting
c. observations and sensations of the transition time (on the subway or bus) from the urban/rural setting to the rural/urban setting (How and when do your feelings get stronger or fade away? Did you become distracted?)

Each letter should be full of imagery, evoking the senses, regarding the setting. You are trying to capture how each place feels. Use first person to write the letters.

Step Three: Write an original poem using either the Shakespearean or Patriarchan structure. You must:
· write about the concept of transformation regarding industrialization
o change
o positive or negative
o rural to urban
· use imagery (metaphors, similes, personification, detailed descriptions)
· use allusions from your Global notes, DBQs and/or other historic text
· use allusions from English (Frankenstein, Poe, Wordsworth and/or Galileo)
· proper structure, rhyme scheme and meter (iambic pentameter)

Step Four: In two detailed and explanatory paragraphs, you must:
· explain your process when writing, observing and identifying concepts for the poem and letters
· explain the interpretation of your poem

Steps one, two and four are counted as homework. Step Three is an assessment grade.
Extra Credit: Illustrate and/or use symbolism or foreshadow.

If you travel with someone else, please try to spend quiet and solitary time capturing the essence of each place. In other words, NO TALKING, TEXTING, IMing…

The rubric was distributed in class.


  1. Hope you are all having a nice break. Please post questions to the blog- to me or anyone else. Ms. Shalev and Ms. Konarski can check too.

  2. For the second step, the letter, do we have to do them in separate paragraphs or can it be one long paragraph?

    Thank you for responding to my question ahead of time.

  3. For my letters, I am writing in past present view. It's about a man from the past coming to the present writing to his wife. Can i do that?

    Thank you ahead of time.

  4. Mona-
    I think we are supposed to write the letters in our own perspective.

  5. How long does the letter have to be?
    Can it be typed?
    If typed, can it be double spaced?

  6. Winnie- I believe that we are supposed to do that too, but it my letters would be 10 times awesomer if we could do that. x]

  7. Do we make up the letter opening(the To Mrs. Saville, England. thing)?
    And how long is the letters each suppose to be?

  8. Jia- The letter is supposed to be a page long.

    How long would a page be? On paper I write really big so a page would be about a paragraph. I usually type my work. Typed, would this be half a page? How long would it be?

  9. A page long for each letter?
    Wait, its double space when typed right?
    I think I remember Ms. Karvunis say its double space, I forgot.

  10. -Everyone-
    Ms.Karvunis never gave a speciffic legnth to the letters, just write atleast a paragraph or more if you can and if you can't... than it should be fine of if you are still not sure than e-mail her-

  11. Hey Robert what is Ms. Karvunis' email?

  12. Hey everyone! I typed one letter and it came out to be like two pages, i don't know long it should be.

  13. Ms.Karvunis's e-mail is

    Your'e wellcome danny-

  14. Here is one more question I have:
    Extra Credit: Illustrate and/or use symbolism or foreshadow.--- I don't understand this, is this applied to the poem or letters?

  15. Danny--
    I have an answer for you, it applies to both, i suggest you make two drawings, one with the pastorl setting and one with the urban setting and inncorperate elements from the letters and sonnet
    --Have Fun--

  16. Thanks Robert I will do that!

  17. Hey guys can anyone tell me if for the poem we also need to add the middle english language? Like thee or thou. Thanks.

  18. The letters need to be a page in length written or a 1/2 page typed, double-spaced. That is written on the assignment sheet handed out in class. Everything about the poem is on the handout. It does not need to be in Old English, Kevin. Sorry, Danny. The schools.nyc.gov email address is down over the break since it has to do with school. The letters can only be from your perspective as it was your travels that instigated your ideas, no? I will check back later for all of you who left this to the last minute! Happy New Year.

  19. Thanks Ms. Karvunis

  20. -Ms.Karvunis-
    Is it all right that the letters are two paragraphs or is it strictly one paragraph?

    *I have my letters done, just wondering-

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  22. Ms. Karvunis,

    I have completed the project and am just revising. I, however, have a couple of questions. For the letters, can it be 1 long paragraph or does it have to be split up? For my first and second letter letter, it is just one long paragraph and I was wondering if I had to split them up. Also, for the third letter, on transportation, I wrote it as 2 separate letters, one on my way to Central Park and one on my way to Times Square. Can I do that or do I have to make it one paragraph? I 1.5 spaced my paragraphs, is that okay? Lastly, my second letter talks about the first one. Is that okay? In my second letter I state that Times Square was nothing like Central Park and continue to talk about why. Can I do that or do I have to rewrite the whole paragraph?

    Thank you,

    Mona Dwedar

    P.S.: Hope you had an amazing break and an amazing New Year! =]

  23. -Ms.Karvunis-
    When I double spaced my letters they became about a page plus a little more.
    Is that alright *They're Typed*

    -Robert Glass-

  24. One or two paragraphs are fine. As long as it is at least a page written or 1/2 page typed, I don't care if it is longer than that.

    Mona- I think the paragraph is suppose to be entirely imagery and description about your senses in that space, not a comparison. The middle letter (transition) is one that would should the comparison of feelings...ok?

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  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Ms. Karvunis,

    For my second paragraph, I barely compared to the first letter. For example, I talked about how Times Square wasn't a heaven like Central Park and talk about all of Times Square's negatives.

    For my third paragraph, I talked about my observations and sensations on the train ride to the two places, one on my way to Central park and one on my way to Times Square. How would I compare the two in the transition letter if I talked about the train ride to the locations? Does this mean that I rewrite my third paragraph?

    Lastly, is it okay if one of my allusions was to the book Galileo? ( I actually used the character Galileo)

    Thank you,


  28. Mona- It is okay to use Galileo. It says it on our assignment paper.

  29. Thank you, Kevin. Hope everyone is sleeping now.
