Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Chapter 5 homework

Complete your summary sentences and self-generated questions.

Activity: Create a four scene storyboard of what happens in this chapter. Be sure to show four boxes that have different thoughts or settings and write a summary sentence below each box to describe the situation (cite please). It should not be four boxes of him creating the monster. Suggestion: Use your summary sentences as the summary sentences below the boxes. I am looking for images that mirror Shelley's imagery and descriptions. Capture the mood!!!!


  1. For the storyboards, we are supposed to draw the scenes, right?

  2. Yess you have to draw them, thats what Ms. Karvunis said today in class.

  3. Oh. I guess I did not hear her. Thank you.

  4. Did Clerval believed Victor? How come he don't seem to be caring about this monster?
