Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Chapters 7 and 8: Due January 5th


1. Finish chapter 7 with summary sentences and questions.
2. Read chapter 8 and create a newpaper article about Justine's trial. You must describe what happens in the trial by citing at least 4-5 events, details or images from chapter 8. Use imagery to capture the mood of the trial and outcome.

Winter Break Global/English Assignment

Winter Holiday Break Assignment
Global History/English
Karvunis, Konarski and Shalev

Due date: Monday January 4th

Objectives: to understand how the industrial revolution transformed lives
to understand the differences between rural/pastoral and urban settings
to show understanding of sonnet structures
to use figurative language and literary devices to compose a sonnet

Step One: You must visit two places over the holiday. You must visit a rural/pastoral setting (Prospect Park, Central Park, The Cloisters..etc..) and a heavily populated urban setting (42nd Street, Times Square, Union Square). You will comment on how you feel in each setting. It is best to do this travel in one day.

Step Two: You must write three letters (like Walton to his sister). The topics of the letters should be:
a. observations and sensations of the rural/pastoral setting
b. observations and sensations of the urban setting
c. observations and sensations of the transition time (on the subway or bus) from the urban/rural setting to the rural/urban setting (How and when do your feelings get stronger or fade away? Did you become distracted?)

Each letter should be full of imagery, evoking the senses, regarding the setting. You are trying to capture how each place feels. Use first person to write the letters.

Step Three: Write an original poem using either the Shakespearean or Patriarchan structure. You must:
· write about the concept of transformation regarding industrialization
o change
o positive or negative
o rural to urban
· use imagery (metaphors, similes, personification, detailed descriptions)
· use allusions from your Global notes, DBQs and/or other historic text
· use allusions from English (Frankenstein, Poe, Wordsworth and/or Galileo)
· proper structure, rhyme scheme and meter (iambic pentameter)

Step Four: In two detailed and explanatory paragraphs, you must:
· explain your process when writing, observing and identifying concepts for the poem and letters
· explain the interpretation of your poem

Steps one, two and four are counted as homework. Step Three is an assessment grade.
Extra Credit: Illustrate and/or use symbolism or foreshadow.

If you travel with someone else, please try to spend quiet and solitary time capturing the essence of each place. In other words, NO TALKING, TEXTING, IMing…

The rubric was distributed in class.

Chapter 5 homework

Complete your summary sentences and self-generated questions.

Activity: Create a four scene storyboard of what happens in this chapter. Be sure to show four boxes that have different thoughts or settings and write a summary sentence below each box to describe the situation (cite please). It should not be four boxes of him creating the monster. Suggestion: Use your summary sentences as the summary sentences below the boxes. I am looking for images that mirror Shelley's imagery and descriptions. Capture the mood!!!!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Chapters 3 and 4

1.Summary sentences, self-generated questions and research
2. Summative questions:
a. What happened to Victor's mother?
b. Find the quote that indicates "what Victor desired".
c. Who is Agrippa and Paracelsus?
d. What decided Victor's "future destiny" (60)? Explain.
e. What secret does Victor uncover (63)?
f. To whom is Victor speaking (64)?
e. Describe Victor's life as he searches to create the new species (65). Use 3 quotes full of imagery from the chapter.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Weekend HW: chapters 1 and 2

Sentences, your own questions, vocabulary

1. How did Eizabeth come to be Frankenstein's sister?
2. Give three examples of imagery used to describe Elizabeth. How is she described? Why these images?
3. Describe Frankenstein's disposition in childhood. How was he conflicted?
4. What is doom is being foreshadowed? How is Victor conflicted?
5. Read the last paragraph on page 50 into 51. Shelley uses personification when she describes the "she". What is Shelley personifiying? Again, what is the conflict (the same conflict for all Romanticists)? Cite All Answers!!!!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

No Homework Thursday night, 12-17

Be sure to catch up on any unfinished work. I will collect 1,2,3,4 and the Poe research tomorrow.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Questions for Letter 4: Due 12-17

In your notebook
Complete the summary sentences and questions for each page.

Look up any words you don't understand and write the meanings.

Complete the summative questions.

Extra Credit Blog Entries
1. Comment on a word or words you defined.
2. Ask questions.
3. Answer anyone's questions.

Questions for Letter 4

1. Identify four similarities between Frankenstein and Walton (cite pages).
2. Describe the setting.
3. Describe Frankenstein.